We offer part-time pastry education. Lessons are private and scheduled at the convenience of the student. The benefit of part-time pastry education is that the student gets to choose the classes that interest them most and the program moves at the speed appropriate for the individual.
Lessons Include
Part-time pastry education lessons include:
- the principles of measuring (scaling ingredients), mixing and baking
- American, French and European cakes and confections
- Fillings, frostings (cold process and cooked)
- creams and curds
- souflés
- cookies
- French macarons
- croissants
- breads
- pastries and tarts
- chocolate -101, 102 and advanced chocolate skills bon bons
- candies, pate de fruit (fruit jellies) and fudge
We also customize lessons if there is something specific the student would like to learn.
We teach students all about the ingredients they use so that they are able to understand the function and how to best use (and not use) the product in future recipes. The emphasis of the program is upon building knowledge and skill, whether students attend 5 classes or twenty classes. No single lesson is ever a waste. Every lesson provides “ah ha” moments.
All that is required for the part-time education program is provided, including all ingredients, tools and equipment, even the packaging to take everything home that is made in the class. Complete written instructions and recipes are provided. Students are welcome to take notes and photographs in class.
If you have always wanted to enroll in a pastry program but just didn’t have the time or the opportunity to do so, please contact us. We have designed our part-time pastry education lessons to fit every schedule. Students may also spread out their lessons if, for example, they only have a few hours each week or one day a month. We will work with students to put together a meaningful and educational program. What you learn in class will never go to waste.